“Who Am I To You?” Exhibition At The Musuem of Art In Ft. Lauderdale

“Who Am I To You?” Exhibition At The Musuem of Art In Ft. Lauderdale

“Who am I to you?” at the Museum of Art in Ft. Lauderdale is a rich display of the works of S. Florida artists. The juried exhibition features 14 top artists from 5 S. Florida counties all winners of South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Artists Fellowship grants. On opening night the exhibit was well attended by all types young, old, kids, hipsters, art collectors and artists themselves.

Juan Travieso artwork

Juan Travieso piece

I was there to see Juan Travieso, an artist my boyfriend and I collect.  One of his pieces was prominently displayed in the first room of the show, as were some others in the adjacent room.  It was impressive to see the progression in his work.  It is always interesting to see the evolution first hand of an artist’s pieces.  When I first met Juan he was painting beautiful birds on canvases. Now he is working on canvases which seem to have political tones. Still in a similar style and color palette.

rtwork from Who I'm I to You

The exhibit was set up in a circular walk through which made it fun and quite enjoyable to walk. There was a performance piece in the center of the show. It was of a woman sitting at a desk ripping up papers and throwing them out.  Supposedly, what was being ripped up was her own art work.  This type of art is always entertaining and can’t possibly be available for purchase. Or can it?

performance art miami

Performance art

There were some other interesting pieces which I will feature below in pictures. I highly recommend the exhibit and there’s also a Bunny Yeager exhibit going on there which should be worth looking at.

art in Ft Lauderdale


Juan Travieso Pieces

Juan Travieso Pieces

One comment

  1. Thanks for the read!

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