Alyssa Monks Shows Her Best At Art Miami

Alyssa Monks Shows Her Best At Art Miami -Her Vivid and masterfull brush strokes when up close create altmost cibachrome photographic imagery when viewed a few feet away.


  1. lilalex9 /

    “can’t be bothered” – yet there you are rambling with some ridiculous nonsense that I can’t even find it funny because it’s so sad. Aww what the heck, it’s sad AND funny!! LOL!! Awww LOL!!.. Now go ahead and reply so I can ignore. X-D ..

  2. Mi6Bagpuss /

    Go and read some real literature will you and maybe then you will understand how ridiculous you sound. So, so ignorant that I just can’t be bothered. Oh and those desperate people you’re talking about, most of them can’t afford a bag of rice so a Macdonald’s IS their ultimate fantasy. The rest of the ‘desperate’ ones aren’t desperate at all – they’re just ignorant. America – Be careful who you kick on the way up… they kick you twice as hard on the way down. That’s why the English reign well.

  3. lilalex9 /

    umm nope – never said that American culture is the being ripped-off because it is the best (although I do feel that it is). i simply pointed out the hypocrisy by those who would criticise the American culture, yet desparately attempt to copy it – even going so far as posting on an American created website (YouTube), most likely through an American owned browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) using an American created technology (the Internet). LOL!!..

  4. lakelet1 /

    yeah you are right, you are just an artist. so move on

  5. Mi6Bagpuss /

    No, I am just an artist looking around on youtube about things to do with art and art itsef… and making a comment which is my right. Get a life and grow up. I just moved house so haven’t been on for a month or so. Anyway, please let’s move on.

  6. Mi6Bagpuss /

    There’s nothing being conveyed, just a copy of a photo… that’s the whole point so what are you trying to teach me exactly? I agree that art doesn’t have to be perfect blah blah blah and has a lot more to do with what they are trying to convey but still should be executed to a standard of acceptability of technique so why are you trying to argue with me? I am saying that what this artist is trying to convey is… oh I can’t find anything! That’s my point!!!

  7. Mi6Bagpuss /

    Yes ignorant people do try to rip off the American culture – I agree. This does not mean that what they are trying to copy, is something good. It means that they have been shown, through mass marketing, that some people in America have a lot of money – enough to mass market their products globally and show them in a light of the rich and famous adorning them. If you are trying to point out that American culture is being ripped off because it is simply the best then YOU are the funny one.

  8. lilalex9 /

    so say people from countries desparately trying their best to rip-off the American culture. you’re funny.. lol

  9. Unknown831143 /

    americans are the best photorealistic artist.

  10. aaateam322 /

    Art doesn’t have to be perfect, but neither does it have to be painterly or expressionistic. It’s the intention of the artist, and what they want to convey in their work. If you don’t learn to appreciate this simple concept, then you will never make it as an artist.(and probably aren’t currently, based on the absence of artistic videos uploaded on your channel)

  11. lakelet1 /

    ” Can art critiques paint? Most of them, no! That’s why they critique it! ”

    thats why you dont want to show me anything, cause you are just critique it, but thats the only connection between you and art :))

  12. lakelet1 /

    and again and at last
    you watched something very realistic in this video, and you just said “its bullshit”

    then show us what is NOT bullshit, show us your talent or anything

    Its like the other idiots on bodybuilding videos “ronnie coleman is just a bloated steroid guy” …hmm… from those people who actually cant bench their own bodyweight and eating cheeseburgers all day

    its just the same what you have did here

    so you grow up :))

  13. lakelet1 /

    “Can art critiques paint? Most of them, no!”

    Im not a critiq, Im an artist, so it seems you dont really want me to show your best

    afraid? from what? 

  14. lakelet1 /

    “Why do I have to show you my work”
    why? to prove that you have the technique :))
    btw some days ago you said “I will show how to copy a photo” will you? still?

    you dont have the technique to paint realistic things, thats why you are so mad for photoreal painters :)))

  15. Mi6Bagpuss /

    Grow up you idiot! Why do I have to show you my work in order to have a valid opinion? Can art critiques paint? Most of them, no! That’s why they critique it! The basic facts are, which I will state again, is that copying a photo, whilst technically is good and good practice, is shallow! Fact! That was my point in the beginning and I am reiterating it again because you’re arguing against it for some unknown reason. I don’t care whether you believe I can paint or not as it has ney to do with it!

  16. lakelet1 /

    that “someone” was me, cause I miss the “not” word from my last comment, dont trolling, dude
    (btw Im not the only one here who think your comments are just ridiculous)

    show me what you can do mr. big artist
    cause this conversaton is not about art, its about technique
    the main point is in here that you dont have the technique, thats why you think photorealism is “shallow”

    show me a portrait what you have done, or anything
    can you?

  17. Mi6Bagpuss /

    I didn’t miss any point. This whole conversation is going nowhere because there is nothing to discuss. I stated facts only. The painting is a copy of a photo and done very well but shallow – end of. If it makes you feel better yes, I am the type of person who paints flowers and landscapes – that’s why I am here saying this is shallow LOL Oh dear. Anyway, someone is deleting your comments and marking them as spam… says it all really. Have a nice life, I’m off to paint.

  18. lakelet1 /

    its like you say “jurassic park is LAME cause they used cg for it”
    no, its not lame.. its unbelievable
    art is changing and orienting by the time
    there is a way in photorealism which is very boring and soulless
    but a real artist can copy a photo and the painting become painting, and NOT a copy, believe me, I can prove it to you by one of my portrait

  19. lakelet1 /

    photorealism is just a wrong word for realism
    it means “so fucking lifelike” and means NOTHING more
    nothing more, buddy
    whatever you think about it, you think it wrong

    but okay, show me your best, show me how “easy” to “copy” a photo and will believe you are right, okay?

  20. lakelet1 /

    you just missed the main point of the whole
    doesnt matter how.. the only important thing is what you feel when you look at a painting
    from a photo, from real life, from the mind, doesnt matter

    photorealism means realism, just in the 21th century.. it is just the same

    there are things what you are unable to paint without a photo (believe me, its true)
    you think your landscapes and flower paintings have much much more “expression” than a painting which made by a photo?

  21. Mi6Bagpuss /

    I shall dig out a picture I did when I was 15 at school to show you your very deep photorealism and how good I am at it because we used to do them to improve out skill at painting before we moved on to the subject of ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Mi6Bagpuss /

    Do I think Leonardo was a copy paste guy? I honestly didn’t know that the camera was around in the late 1400’s! What are you talking about? ”Photorealism is the hardest way to paint!” WHAT? What about inspiration, idea, perspective, study, technique? This is ART we are talking about – unique, individual, expression. But… Hang on, I’ve just spotted a good photo someone took and I want to go and copy it in oil… see you in three weeks! LOL

  23. Mi6Bagpuss /

    LOL ”Walking up close and realizing that it is a painting expresses so much more” What like? What does it express? Except, wow it isn’t a photograph it’s a painting of a photograph. Then what?… Where’s the message? Have we done? All paintings take patience and talent. Even the greatest bullshit artist Rothko said when asked how long it took him to do one piece, he said 49 years, his age… it’s about the only thing that I agree with that came from his mouth. So time and patience…

  24. lakelet1 /

    lol… “I could paint this” show me the most lifelike painting you have ever created first.. then talk
    its not copying, its painting… and photorealism is the hardest way to paint. you can call it simply realism… all the masters did just the same thing
    so you think leonardo was a copy/paste guy?

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